Terms & Conditions
By using this website to book accommodation at any of Keith’s Units, you agree and are bound by the terms below.
A 50% (of total booking price) is required at time of booking. The balance (50%) is payable 60 days prior to the check-in date. Failure to pay either the booking deposit or the final payment will result in the booking being cancelled without refund. Should your booking be within 60 days of check-in, then 100% of the booking price is payable at time of booking. This payment is non-refundable, however should you cancel with 60 days of check-in, we will endeavour to sell the cancelled room nights and refund what we can after expenses. There is no guarantee what-so-ever, that any refund will be paid.
You will be contacted by the property to arrange a 50% deposit paid via credit card or bank transfer. Credit card payments attract a 2.5% fee. Please note the property accepts payments via bank transfer or credit cards (Visa, Master Card & American Express).
A security deposit of AUD $300 is required upon arrival (by credit card or cash) for possible damage or the unit not being left in a condition compliant with the house rules (below). This deposit is fully refundable upon check-out, subject to an acceptable inspection of the accommodation. Keith’s Units management hold sole discretion as to whether the property has been left in an acceptable condition, and what price will be charged to remedy the situation.
House rules for Keith’s on Bribie.
- Normal holiday rental property rules apply. It is expected that the place is left in the same state as you found it. Obviously, we do a clean after guests vacate, but it is expected to be left in a clean and tidy state. If you use the stove, the oven, the microwave, the Barbeque, you must clean them.
- If BBQ is left un-cleaned a $50 cleaning fee will be deducted from your security deposit.
- Rubbish must be placed in the, provided, plastic bags and deposited in the appropriate outside bin, either general (green) or recycle (yellow-top) bins.
- All dishes, glasses, crockery, cutlery etc., must be washed, dried and return washed items to the cupboards where you found them. This includes items in the dish-washer. You will be charged to empty the dish-washer and return items to cupboards.
- An additional cleaning charge applies when any of the above items are left in an un-acceptable state.
- Please clean the clothes dryer lint filter after every use, as to not do so, is a fire hazard.
- Please do not leave the clothes dryer running while you are away from the unit as this is a fire hazard.
- We prefer that you don’t move the furniture, but if you need to, please be careful when moving it, so as not to damage the flooring. Please put furniture back in its’ original position when vacating. If damage occurs from you moving the furniture, or it is not returned to its’ original position, you will be charged an amount from your security deposit.
- No Smoking inside. Smoking is allowed outside on balcony. Ash-trays to be emptied when you leave. If we find you have smoked inside, a $250 cleaning fee will be charged.
- Normal residential noise laws apply to this property. Reasonable noise (music) levels from 8pm until 10pm, then NO loud music or noise between 10pm and 8am! Failure to comply will result in the police being called, your immediate eviction & forfeiture of your security bond.
- No Pets allowed. A $250 cleaning fee will be charged if a pet is found on the premises during your stay, or evidence that a pet was on the premises is found.
- The use of the provided recreational equipment, including but not limited to, Bikes, Scooters, Boogie Boards, Blow-up boat, fishing gear, Barbeque, is entirely at the guest own risk. Keith’s Units and the owners take no responsibility for any damage or injury incurred whilst using any equipment supplied at the units. Helmets must be worn (by law) whilst riding the units’ bikes or scooters.
- No bike riding, skating, scooters or similar activities are allowed on the units’ common property.